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Sorority Online Course


An interactive self defense online course, giving you an overview of each of the 3 types of self defense we teach - mental, situational and physical. Our course give realistic tips to those with little to no experience to help each individual feel more safe, confident and less on edge.

What you'll get:

  • Our complete self defense course, pre-recorded to use as you please  with your organization until June 1st
  • Time codes for all videos so you know what's coming up and when to pause for activities and/or discussion
  • An optional, FREE PDF Review for participants
  • Unlimited Office Hours for every participant for 4 months after purchase
  • Tips and suggestions for Event Planner to ensure a smooth, successful class

We want women to help women have less fear so they can live their lives to the fullest and feel more independent.

*There are no refunds guaranteed, but you may request one if necessary by emailing [email protected].You will only have access to this course until June 1st. This course is ONLY to be used by the organization you're purchasing it for and is not to be recorded and distributed or sold. There will be a REQUIRED waiver and acknowledgements for the Event Planner.


After the class i feel really empowered and more aware of my environment. It was such an amazing class and really helped me to understand that self defense is more than just the physical aspects.

University of California Davis Panhellenic

I didn't know what to expect out of a self defense class but I was absolutely blown away with the presentation. I can't believe how much I learned... I was definitely engaged the entire time.

Penn State Gamma Phi Beta

(1) This was amazing! I've been through a self defense course but this was the first time I felt like you were relating to my life and circumstances personally as a college age woman. I don't have a question but just wanted to say thank you for the work you do!!! (2) Thank you for the self defense class, as someone who has been sexual assaulted before. The mental part of the class seas truly awesome, thank you for everything you provided. (3) I can't explain enough how much I enjoyed the lesson today! i hope you can speak to my chapter another time down the road!! (4) YOU ARE AWESOME! Keep doing what you're doing!!! You're engaging, you're REAL, you're relatable, and the things you say stick with us! Thank you!

University of Tennessee Phi Mu

Thank you so so so much for coming and visiting!! You're amazing and I feel much much more knowledgeable about my capabilities in a time of danger. I am beyond grateful for this experience.

Miami University Alpha Chi Omega

(1) I really enjoyed the course, and i liked that vou debunked a lot of the more sexist safety tips (always wear your hair up, I forgot the others) and encouraged us to keep living our lives!! (2) I think that was a very important message, and I would love if you keep encouraging young women like me to keep living life and not being afraid to go out!! I also loved that you were totally dressed up in your heels and flair pants, and taught the entire class like that. It was a powerful reminder that I can still dress cute, but feel safe too. THANK YOU (3) Every girl needs to hear this going to college alone.

University of Maryland Alpha Delta Pi

This was SO insightful! I feel way more knowledgeable about ways to handle situations I'm scared to be in. It was the perfect balance of stories, information and fun!!

Michigan State University Panhellenic

This class was SO interesting and engaging! There were things I definitely never thought about but will use every day to feel safe!

University of Arizona Panhellenic

Everything you said about getting to do what we want without being afraid is really different from a lot of other self defense courses. Thank you!

University of Alabama Zeta Tau Alpha

I learned so much information that I will be able to implement in my everyday life. Everything I have learned throughout my life pertaining to how to protect myself has been wrong. I now know a lot more about how to protect myself throughout my life and especially around my college town.

University of Delaware Panhellenic

This was f*cking awesome and I am SO HAPPY I took it. I think it's so valuable to teach people realistic information... this was all so helpful and applicable for college students!

North Caroline State Panhellenic

I really loved this class! I feel like I learned SO much and this is perfect stuff to know right before Spring Break! Thank you again, I really got a lot out of this and will remember this stuff for the rest of my life.

University of Mississippi Kappa Delta

The class was really awesome. [The instructor] was very well spoken and confident (!!!) and I liked that the class was very interactive and made us think about situations we've been in or misconceptions about self defense.

Texas Christian University Panhellenic

I really enjoyed this class more than lever imagined. Ilearned so much about my safety and how to handle myself in dangerous or uncomfortable situations! I think that everyone on a college campus should have a class about this !

University of Kentucky Chi Omega

This was the most helpful and practical self defense class l've taken. This is the first self defense class i've taken that focused on the realities of being victimized by people who aren't strangers. it means so much to me. I've had other experiences with self defense where the whole class is men telling you how to dress and to do things like wear a wedding ring I like that your talk was very much not that and how as a women it's clear you can understand the situations young women are put in.

College of Charleston Panhellenic

I am the Panhellenic President! I think this class went very well. It has been one of the best turn outs I have seen. Everyone was engaged and enjoyed it!... we NEED you to come back next year!

Tennessee Tech Panhellenic

She was absolutely phenomenal and relatable. I could not be more grateful for this company and I think it is going to do such big things!

Central Michigan Panhellenic